Book of abraham mormonthink editor

The text uses ancientsounding personal names pelagoram, mahemson just as the book of mormon and book of abraham do. This is true of the book of abraham, the book of moses, and the book of mormon. The above donut chart shows percentages of the book of abraham section of letter to a ces director that fairmormon is in agreement, disagreement, and neutral on if one assumes that fairmormons undisputed silence is acceptance of the facts, fairmormon agrees with 90. It described pharaoh and the egyptians as descendants of ham and canaan the progenitors of the negro race, and under the curse of canaan and disqualified from the priesthood abraham 1. The plurality of gods is also a doctrine that is supported by the book of abraham. Much can be known about the coming forth of the english text of the book. He talks about the idolatry of the egyptianlike society he lived in, and about barely escaping sacrifice to the egyptian gods by a priest. What follows is an unbalanced, critical, but honest examination of a deceptive website antimormonism is discrimination, persecution, hostility or prejudice directed at members of the latter day saint movement, particularly the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church.

The book of mormon if the book of abraham was a fraud. This was the second edition of the pearl of great price published before canonization by the lds church in 1880. So youre probably asking big deal, he translated some scrolls. They argue that some ancient texts do not support the book. Ferguson had just visited with mormon apostle hugh b. The recently modified description creates ambiguity regarding the origin and nature of the text. But what are readers to make of his actual message in that letter to the editor of the. Brown before coming to our house, and said that brown has also come to the conclusion that the book of abraham was false letter of gerald tanner to dee jay nelson, december 10, 1970, published by modern. This claim is false the book of abraham does not discuss abrahams practice of polygamy. Ces letter is one latterday saints honest quest to get official answers from the lds church on its troubling origins, history, and practices. Smith, the golden plates, pp 276 reexploring the book of mormon, ed. Joseph smiths interpretation of these cuts is a farrago of nonsense from beginning to end. The church of jesus christ of latterday saintsedit.

I return herewith, under separate cover, the pearl of great price. Comment by mormonthinks founding editor, posting as spongebob squaregarments on the exmormon message board recovery from mormonism, feb. Its succinct and devastating enough that it might be a good candidate for sharing with friends and family. Brief overview of the history of the book of abraham why the critics say it is problematic what workarounds apologists have created to deal with those criticisms why those workarounds are dead ends evidences apologists share why those. Campaign american indians atheismatheists baptism for the dead batshit crazy beliefs bishop blacks black skin blood atonement book of abraham book of mormon brigham young byu children christianity church history cognitive dissonance comedy contradictions control criticism.

Book of abraham mormon stories mormon stories podcast. Critics have long attempted to make a case against the book of abraham. Today we explore the book of abraham in radio free mormon style. Joseph smith running with the gold plates mormonthink. Part 2 deals with the content of the book and joseph smiths comments on three egyptian drawings that have been attached to the published book of abraham. This cluster of incredibly similar contemporaneous texts, at the very least, signals that joseph smith was a.

Ten questions and answers on the book of abraham mormons. Mormon handbook the book of abraham since abraham lived before moses, who authored the torah the first five books of the old testament, it would make the papyrus older than the book of genesis. Translation and historicity of the book of abraham mormonthink. The angel entrusted by god to share the sacred knowledge of mormonism with joseph smith is known as moroni. The book of abraham issues translation problems mormonthink. A range of articles and resources to assist the investigation of joseph smiths controversial claim that he discovered and translated a lost record of the biblical patriarch abraham. Dec 25, 2005 new book on joseph smiths seer stones 8 august 2016.

The web site originally claimed to be operated by active members of the church with an interest in objectively presenting the truth about mormonism. Since it is canonized, it must adhere to the strictest definition of what scripture is and one would expect its. The book of abraham was canonized in 1880 by the lds church, and it remains a part of the larger. Jul 24, 2015 critics have long attempted to make a case against the book of abraham. The book of abraham narrative clearly demonstrates the manner in which the lds church works diligently to massage or reinterpret inconvenient facts to continue to defend its. A quick glance over the preface and chapters two and three of the saga of the book of abraham may lead to the hasty decision that the reader is once again confronted with the usual rehashing of the same old, tiresome things.

Ferguson also said the same to gerald and sandra tanner on december 2, 1970. Manuscript history, book c1, 9, lds church history library, salt lake city. Explores the joseph smith papyrus and demonstrates that joseph smiths claim that he had translated the book of abraham from it was a fabrication. This volume is precisely what it is purported to be. However, it was actually the book of abraham published in 1878 that omitted the words. The author s of mormonthink make s the following claim. The book of abraham, it is hardly necessary to say, is a pure fabrication. One mormon, naomi woodbury, wrote a touching letter to the editor published in the august, 1968 issue of the. Antimormonism is discrimination, persecution, hostility or prejudice directed at members of the latter day saint movement, particularly the church of jesus christ of latterday saints lds church. The angel moroni is considered the warriorprophet of the same name featured in the book of mormon. The book is comprised of five chapters and three facsimiles. Although no formal training in egyptology, joseph smith created a translation of part of the papyri, and the work was published called the the book of abraham.

Bigstick media hits the twede excommunication storynew. The book of abraham is the second book in the pearl of great price. The urim and thummim was preserved in a stone box, along with the gold plates, for over 1,500 years for the purpose of. What follows is an unbalanced, critical, but honest examination of a deceptive website.

Bigstick media hits the twede excommunication storynew york. The urim and thummim was preserved in a stone box, along with the gold plates, for over 1,500 years for the purpose of enabling joseph to. A psalter is a volume containing the book of psalms and which often contains other devotional. The original editor of this section of mormonthink declared to his current bishop that he does not believe the book of mormon, the book of abraham or that joseph smith was a prophet and has not been subjected to disciplinary council or excommunication proceedings and is, in fact, assisting in the primary organization in his ward. After he died in a great battle, moroni was resurrected, becoming an angel. Mormonthink editor faces excommunication, is it political. Criticism of mormonismwebsitesmormonthinkmedia efforts. The book of mormon was translated from ancient gold plates by joseph smith, is the most correct book on earth and is an ancient historical record. Grant palmer reveals stunning lds church insider information.

The book of abraham is a book of ancient scripture translated by the prophet joseph smith from ancient papyri. William smith, a brother of the prophet who had handled and hefted the plates in a pillowcase, claimed on several occasions that the set of plates weighed about sixty pounds. Well the book was derived from a set of egyptian papyri purchased by the joseph smith in 1835 from a traveling mummy show. The times and seasons with joseph smith as editor along with. Response to claims made on mormonthink page the book of abraham jump to subtopic. Native americans are descended from an israelite family which left jerusalem in 600 b. According to smith, the book was a translation of some ancient records. After fairmormon posted this quote, the original was deleted from the rfm board. Much can be known about the coming forth of the english text. The book of abraham has close affinities to a large number of apocryphal and egyptian writings to which joseph smith could have had no access. The book of abraham, mormons believe, is abrahams own account of part of his life. This page deals primarily with the question of the source of the book of abraham now available online at.

The church released its official response to the book of abraham in its july. The book says that moroni compiled the epic story of his people, the precolumbian nephites, on gold plates. Jst bible translation although he is known for translating the book of mormon, many people are not aware that joseph smith also translated some of the bible. Response to claims made on mormonthink page book of mormon problems.

Handwritings of willard richards, thomas bullock, franklin d. Former stake president takes over as mormonthinks managing editor 112912 tom phillips has agreed to act as the managing editor of mormonthink. The author is an assistant professor in the department of church history and doctrine at brigham young university. Part 3, ancient records offer new support for the book of. Disproves lds claims that joseph smith received the book of abraham through revelation and proves that joseph smiths source for his translation was a pagan egyptian text, the book of breathings.

Abraham refers to a picture in the text of the book of abraham abr. Ces letter my search for answers to my mormon doubts. The book of abraham is part of the standard works or written scriptures of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. Cuts 1 and 3 are inaccurate copies of well known scenes on funeral papyri, and cut 2 is a copy of one of the magical discs. Abraham claims that his story starts out near a place called olishem abraham 1.

Strictly speaking, what people now call the joseph smith translation jst is not a translation but rather a series of revelations expounding on and correcting what he said were errors in. A fairmormon analysis of claims made on the critical website mormonthink. It is evident that the writings of abraham while he was in egypt, of which our printed book of abraham is a copy, must of necessity be older than. This very same papyrus, it is claimed, was acquired by joseph smith in 1835. Caswell claims to have given joseph smith a very old greek psalter to examine and asked him what it was. The lost book of abraham part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 youtube. Lds and nonlds egyptologists and both groups have indicated clearly that the scrolls are funerary texts that have nothing to do with abraham. Debunking fairmormon letter to a ces director book of abraham. Brief overview of the history of the book of abraham why the critics say it is problematic what workarounds apologists have created to deal with those criticisms why those workarounds are dead ends evidences apologists share why. For many mormons, an examination of the book of abraham and its true history.

As a heavenly being, moroni eventually directed joseph smith to their location in the 1820s. Most lds church members were taught that joseph smith used seer stones referred to as the urim and thummim nephite interpreters to translate the book of mormon bom 1 to various scribes. Mar 19, 2011 first off, some information, what is the book of abraham. They point to the fragments of the joseph smith papyri that we now possess and claim that since the contents of these papyri bear little obvious relationship to the book of abraham, the book is a fraud. Bill reel once again joins us and we proceed to lay out the following. A fairmormon analysis of claims made on the critical website summary. Jeremy runnells was offered an opportunity to discuss his own doubts with a director of the church educational system ces and was assured that his.

The lamanite mark rodney turner desiring to inform and not offend, may i preface my remarks by acknowledging that in this day of ultrasensitivity to anything that smacks of racism, the idea that god might be color conscious, or that ones pigmentation is an evidence of divine displeasure is understandably offensive to most people. Criticism of mormonismwebsitesmormonthink fairmormon. On 5 september, 2016, a book entitled joseph smiths seer stones written by michael hubbard mackay will be available to the public. It does not talk of him taking another wife or lying about it. An inspired translation of the writings of abraham. Book of abraham latest video by dan vogel 1, may 2018. The book of abraham is the possibly the best known of these books and certainly the most controversial. Includes color photos of the surviving joseph smith papyri, articles by mormon and nonmormon egyptologists, and free download of a 240page book that surveys the history of the book of abraham.

When the book of genesis had been corrected by the prophet the first time in 1830, the text he produced retained the bibles and moses emphasis that there is only one god. The book of abraham narrative clearly demonstrates the manner in which the lds church works diligently to massage or reinterpret inconvenient facts to continue to defend its most extraordinary truth. Death blow to mormonism the book of abraham is a fake. Indeed, several texts published before the book of mormon have been found to possess striking linguistic and thematic consistencies with joseph smiths narrative see our section on early american influences in the book of mormon. If the catalyst theory is correct, then god must be responsible for instructing smith to record verses in the book of abraham that incorrectly refer to. Sections of the book of mormon likely added after loss of the first 116 pages in june 1828 describe spiritual rebirth after baptism, consistent with rigdons changed beliefs after meeting with walter scott in march 1828. F or many mormons, an examination of the book of abraham and its true history becomes the most significant stumbling block to joseph smiths claim as a prophetic translator of ancient languages. The text uses ancientsounding place names, some of which overlap with book of abraham place names shinehah, for example. At most, we believe they are part of it or included with the book of abraham for. In 1912, a letter about the book of abraham was published by arthur cruttenden mace, assistant curator in the department of egyptian art in new yorks metropolitan museum of art. The book of abraham is one of the canonized works of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. The book of abraham is a work produced between 1835 and 1842 by joseph smith based, he said, on egyptian papyri purchased from a traveling mummy exhibition.

Criticism of mormonismwebsitesmormonthinkthe book of abraham. On those issues where rigdon and campbell disagreed prior to 1830, the book of mormon strongly endorses rigdons views. It is now included in the pearl of great price, one of the books that members of the church of jesus christ of latterday saints consider scripture in addition to the bible, the book of mormon, and the doctrine and covenants. The previous description of the book of abraham read, a translation from some egyptian papyri that came into the hands of joseph smith in 1835, containing writings of the patriarch abraham. According to mormon writers, the book of abraham was supposed to have been written on papyrus by abraham about 4,000 years ago. They authors have since abandoned the pretense that any of them are active in the church. From what ive read, the rediscovery of the book of abraham at the met, wasnt a rediscovery at all.

Book of abraham manuscript mormonthink book of abraham issues. Criticism of mormonismwebsitesmormonthinkthe book of. An essay concerning the book of abraham was added on 07082014 in the topical guide of the website. The book of abraham supports the concept of polygamy as abraham took another wife as directed by the lord. Smith translated the papyrus and published it under the title, the book of abraham. We attended a former mormon conference in 20 in salt lake city where kay burningham did a very interesting presentation entitled are mormon leaders above the law. Includes color photos of the surviving joseph smith papyri, articles by mormon and nonmormon egyptologists, and free download of a 240page book that surveys the history of the book of abraham controversy. The editor of the messenger and advocate, oliver cowdery, who. The linked response essay contains the important points from the book, and is written as specific refutation to the church essay.